Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses

Replicate Katy Perry's unique and intense look from her music video, E.T, with our stunning Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses! Be a little wild, and think out of the box, and become the ultimate katycat!

Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses

Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses

Our Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses are ideal for any katycats, who want to replicate Katy Perry's unique E.T. look, because these contact lenses feature the same vivid blues of Katy's.

These contact lenses will completely transform your eyes, into a vibrant cool blue colour. Which will certainly have a few heads turning you way. Pair these gorgeous lenses with Katy Perry's E.T. makeup look, and you're ready for any fancy dress party!

These contact lenses will cost you just £16.99, and will last you a whopping one year, after the first day of opening- making them great value for money! You'll certainly get your wear out of these contact lenses, because you'll not only be able to wear them to fancy dress parties, but for everyday wear too. These lenses will provide exceptional all day long comfort for your eyes, which means you can wear them on a daily basis, without having to worry about discomfort!

Dare to be different, and watch the makeup tutorial below, which will give you step by step instructions on how to achieve Katy Perry's E.T. makeup look, with our fabulous Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses!



Visit Beautifeye.co.uk for our Katy Perry E.T. Contact Lenses! Also, whilst you’re there, check out our Fashion Contact Lenses, and our Fancy Dress Contact Lenses, which are all available for low and affordable prices!